Can you help?
Do you know of any Hampton Wick people who served in WWI in the field or at home?
Please get in touch.
The Great War (also known as World War I, WWI or the First World War) began in 1914 and lasted until 11 November 1918.
The first phase of this Project is to gather information about the men commemorated on the Hampton Wick War Memorial who fought in the Great War.
The second phase, now underway, is to gather information about some of the other Hampton Wick residents who fell in the Great War but who, for whatever reason, were not commemorated on the War Memorial.
Most of the information collected so far is to be found in The People.
You will find also a number of links to Hampton Wick History which traces the development of Hampton Wick from 1750 to the present day, detailing many of the properties in which people commemorated on this site lived.
This website has been produced with the generous support of the Hampton Wick Association.
The first phase of this Project is to gather information about the men commemorated on the Hampton Wick War Memorial who fought in the Great War, also known as World War I, WWI or the First World War.
Click here for more information